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How I use the 4Ps in hypnotherapy: A clinical approach to healing

Miracle Minds

At Miracle Minds Hypnotherapy, our 4 Ps framework is a powerful tool to help consciously manage behaviours and self-defeating patterns. At Miracle Minds, we use the 4Ps in hypnotherapy to help clients develop practical, manageable steps for change. Consciously, clients know what they want, but under hypnosis they learn a new way of living, and are able to actively change their lives for the better.

At Miracle Minds, we feel it’s important to leave you with your own toolkit to handle life’s challenges. We not only address the challenges you’re facing, but also the underlying cause. This is why we recommend 4-5 hypnotherapy sessions. One of my favourite clinical techniques which you may discover in your sessions is called the 4Ps: postpone, pause, preoccupy and pick.

1. Postpose your immediate reaction

When clients feel an overwhelming urge or impulse, at Miracle Minds we encourage them to consciously delay this response. Postpone your response and put space and time between your urge or impulse arriving and your ability to meet it. Remember that this feeling is temporary, and it will pass in minutes if you allow it to.

For clients who struggle with impulsive behaviours like drinking, smoking or gambling, they are encouraged to remove the avenue to immediate gratification. For example, removing alcohol from the house increases the time it takes between the craving and the ability to pour a drink. Or delete your gambling app to increase the time it takes between the desire to bet and the ability to place a bet.

This delay helps break an automatic reaction cycle so that you’re able to move to step 2: pause.

2. Pause to take a moment for self-awareness

Pause and focus on your breathing. Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds. Repeat like you’re following the edges of a box. You can do this anywhere to interrupt a cycle or thought pattern which can lead you back to the thoughts and feelings you were having before step 1.

Pausing is a chance for clients to observe their emotions and thoughts. For example, someone dealing with anxiety can pause to identify physical signs like rapid breathing, which signals the need for calming techniques.

3. Preoccupy your energy and focus

Clients are encouraged to focus on a positive or neutral activity to distract from distressing thoughts or urges. Some of my clients like to go for a walk or run, have a shower, listen to music, or just do something to get them through the peak.

Preoccupying yourself can reduce the intensity of impulses and automatic reactions over time. When returning to the issue or stressor, it often feels more manageable.

4. Pick your path

Choose to stay in control by considering options, which empowers you to make decisions and increase your self-confidence. Consider how you will respond, based on your goals and the potential outcomes for your long-term wellbeing. This shifts the response from an automatic reaction to a mindful decision.

This is a good time to visualise a Fork in the Road. This is one of my favourite techniques. During hypnosis, I may introduce the "Fork in the Road", through two possible paths. One is the downhill path where you continue the way you are, and we explore what life would look like in 1, 5, or even 10 years if this path is followed. The other is the success path, where we visualise a healthier, more fulfilling life over that same time.

It’s time to congratulate yourself, as you’ve just overcome what can be a huge barrier to breaking habits.


In the same way that clinical hypnotherapy reduces your unconscious desire, the 4Ps is a simple tool to help with conscious thoughts and feelings. If you would like to understand more about how the 4Ps in hypnotherapy can help, please book a free 15-minute consult using the link below.

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